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Popular Tradespeople
All Trades
- Aerial Specialist
- Air Conditioner Technician
- Aluminium Fabricator
- Aluminium Worker
- Appliance Service Technician
- Artist
- Artist (Art and Craft)
- Baker
- Barber
- Bathroom Specialist
- Battery Charger
- Bead Maker
- Bicycle Specialist
- Blacksmith
- Break Down Recovery
- Bricklayer
- Builder
- Cabinet maker
- Cable Joiner
- Camera Man
- Car Bodyworker and Painter
- Carier Bags Manufacturer
- Carpenter
- Caterer
- Cobbler
- Computer Engineer
- Computer Repairer
- Computer Technician
- Concrete Stamper
- Construction Service
- Contractor
- Cosmetologist
- Decorator
- Digital Marketer
- Disc Jockey (DJ)
- Driver
- Drummer
- Dry Cleaner
- DSTV Technician
- Electrician
- Electronic Repairs
- Engineering
- Event Planning
- Fabricator
- Farmer
- Fashion Designer
- Flooring Specialist
- Food Packager (Garri)
- Food Processor
- Foodstuff Vendor
- Fumigator
- Furniture Maker
- Gardener
- General Merchandiser
- Generator Repairer
- Generator Technician
- Graphic Designer
- Hair Dresser and Stylist
- Handyman
- Herbalist